Friday, May 6, 2011

Fantasy Poster

Final Image

Process: I began to look for a background that involved some type of clouds that looked very mystical. Once I found a background, I had to decide what type of figure I wanted to have flying in the air. Therefore, I found a skier. I had to make the skier look somewhat fantasy, so I added a halo and wings. After that I added some doves so it looked more like an angel. I make multiple copies of the doves, so it looks like a flock of them. Also, I added fellow angles in the background. After I did all of this, I change my background color brightness. I used a tutorial for this. I did not used all the tutorial for this, I only used a few steps in it because I did not want my picture to look like the one they had on the tutorial. Using the tutorial I darkened the background, then I brightened the skier. I hope to achieve the goal that he was important and above everyone and everything in this image.                                               


This tutorial helped me with some aspects of my lighting in the picture. However I did not use the whole tutorial, it did help me a lot. 

Angel Wings

Angel Halo




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