Thursday, November 11, 2010


Project Description: In this project, I used abode Illustrator. Here, I used many different tools to achieve my goal of making a simple spaceship. I used a tutorial on This helped me out a lot.  

New Skills, Processes & Tools Learned: I learned how to used Pathfinder, a very useful tool. Also I leaned how to copy and paste thing very easily.

Self Reflection: I am happy about the work I did. However, I received help from some of my friend who are more gifted in the class than I.  Personally, I didn't find the tutorial ver straight forward, it was very hard to understand. 

Part/Proj: 7/10. I thought i could have done better with this project, and I am kind of disappointed I did not catch on as well as my friends. Hopefully. this next project I will excel in. :D

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