Monday, November 15, 2010


good morning, its monday. you know that feeling when you had a great weekend, and then your alarm wakes you up on monday and your like oh sh*#. is it really monday? wow that weekend went by took quick. from sleeping friday afternoon then going to a party to waking up late saturday and going to another party. the weekend is great, except when you have to get up on monday. no one likes you monday. you are the most hated out of the week days. can you just go away, and we have a new day saturunday, a combo of saturday and sunday.  oh monday....

you suck

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Illustrator shapes

Project Description: In this project, I made it in Adobe Illustrator. I used two main tools, the shapes tool and the pen tool, and one figure was drawn with the pencil tool. I used a tutorial on which was very helpful. I drew the square, oval, circle, rectangle, triangle, pentagon, and star with the shapes tool. However, I drew the key, puzzle piece, shamrock, leaf, clover, rabbit, thought bubble, and dog bone with the pen tool. 

New Skill, Processes & Tools Leaned: I learned how to created different shapes and objects using various tools in Illustrator. I learned about the pencil, pen, and shape tools during the course of this project. The process I used, followed as the tutorial said. 

Self Reflection: Personally, I thought I did a decent job on this project, once I got the hang of using the tools.

Project Participation: After figuring out how to used the tools well, I began to do it better. Chris Haralampoudis helped me out, because he was doing it very well and picking it up quickly. 8/10


Project Description: In this project, I used abode Illustrator. Here, I used many different tools to achieve my goal of making a simple spaceship. I used a tutorial on This helped me out a lot.  

New Skills, Processes & Tools Learned: I learned how to used Pathfinder, a very useful tool. Also I leaned how to copy and paste thing very easily.

Self Reflection: I am happy about the work I did. However, I received help from some of my friend who are more gifted in the class than I.  Personally, I didn't find the tutorial ver straight forward, it was very hard to understand. 

Part/Proj: 7/10. I thought i could have done better with this project, and I am kind of disappointed I did not catch on as well as my friends. Hopefully. this next project I will excel in. :D