Monday, December 20, 2010

Illustrator Days 8-12

Project Description: In this project,  I created various designs and shapes using the illustrator tools. I didn't use any tutorials because Mr. Boothby explained it to us.

New Skills, Processes, and Tools Learned: I learned how to use swatches to a level new. Also, I experienced to use gradient most by myself this time, with a minuscule amount of help with this tool from my classmates. I also used the pen tool again.

Self Reflection: I honestly believe this is one one the better projects that i did. I completed most of it by myself with a little help from my friends. I did have a little trouble with some aspects of this project, but overall I thought i did well.

Part/Proj: 9/10: I believe i completed this assignment, without much help. I was proud of myself for completing most of this alone. Overall I thought this was a good project for me.

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